Flat Earth Science Textbook


Welcome to the Flat Earth Science Textbook. This is 173 full sized 8.5″ x 11″ colored pages with 10.5 size font. The textbook has 11 units covering all you need to know about the Flat Earth Sciences.



Flat Earth Science

Theoretical Frameworks and Limitations of Modern Cosmology

Welcome to the Flat Earth Science Textbook. If you want the digital eBook that is available here https://store.flatearth.university/product/flat-earth-science-textbook-ebook/

This is 173 full sized 8.5″ x 11″ colored pages with 10.5 size font. We ain’t skipping out here.

The textbook has 11 units covering all you need to know about the Flat Earth Sciences.

In Unit 1 Cosmology we take a look at both Heliocentric and Geocentric Cosmology along with the limitations of the modern Heliocentric framework.

In Unit 2 Math we learn how to use trigonometry to determine the height of objects we cannot measure. We also derive a mathematical formula for the Firmament and use it to correctly calculate the height of the Sun and Moon.

In Unit 3 Astronomy we learn about space, stars, planets, meteors, the celestial sphere, eclipses, EQ mounts, and celestial navigation.

In Unit 4 Physics, we learn about why gravity makes perfect sense on a Flat Earth with an infinite plane, we also take a look into optics, magnetism, learn about how compasses work, buoyancy, and aether taking a look at the difference between the rigid and fluid aether frameworks.

In Unit 5 Logic, we analyze logical fallacies used by people who believe in the globe, we learn about how science is an abstraction of math and how to correctly apply the scientific method.

In Unit 6 Psychology, we take a look at people who self-idenfity as a “globe earther”, specifically Cluster-B personality disorders and the tactics to use when encountering these people. What are their motivations for denying the settled science of Flat Earth?

In Unit 7 Pseudoscience, we master the art of p-hacking and data dregding along with chanbging definitions, manipulating graph axis, and looking into the reproducibility crisis in mainstream science. Is globe science just pseudoscience?

In Unit 8 Plasma Moon Theory we explore the hypothesis that the Moon is a map of Earth. We go into the Moon’s creation, oceanography, the Black Sun, cosmic refraction, extra land beyond the poles, and the pole shifts.

In Unit 9 Geography, we look at what latitude and longitude, timezones, Antartica, North Pole, the 24hr Suns, flight paths, tradewinds.

In Unit 10 Religious Studies, we learn about what the Bible really says and how it is a testament to Flat Earth. But we don’t stop there, we go into the Enoch Framework with portals, we analyze Eastern Vedic Cosmology with Ketu and Rahu, then we conclude with the Chinese and Greek Flat Earth models.

In Unit 11 Flat Earth Science, we go over the historical timeline, take a look at gyroscopes, leap years, rockets, satellites, perspective, parabolic flights for zero gravity, telescopes and optical zooms.

Finally we conclude with some full sized maps and resources for your studying.


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